Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Reaffirming My Stance

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." -Ephesians 6:12

  It has been awhile since I have blogged. To say that I have been busy is both an understatement and untrue. I am never too busy that I do not reserve a few hours out of my day to rest, replenish and reflect. I must be inspired to blog. I am not on a schedule and I am certainly not on anybody's payroll so when I have something meaningful to say I begin to write. 

  It is so easy for the enemy to cause us to fall out of God's plan for us by bringing thoughts of: failure, sin, unworthiness, confusion, self-doubt, unforgiveness, trauma, illness (physical and/or mental), abandonment, abuse, despair and loneliness. Neither of these are easy to ignore but all are capable of being overcome. I will tell you now that there is no quick fix to whatever our "thorn(s)" may be and we have to remember that deliverance is often a daily process. This is what the apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31 when he said "I die daily".  (Personal testimony); I am attacked by those who disagree with my method of controlling my environment which includes distancing myself from people and situations which negatively affect my health and well-being; regardless as to who they may be. We all have heard the old saying "blood is thicker than water". This adage intimates that family bloodlines takes precedence over anyone outside of our family of origin. If this is true then why did Jesus say in Matthew 12:48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
  And again, Proverbs 18:24 states "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."  

 My Facebook friends, (those who I regularly dialogue with), have been very instrumental in helping me to hold on in difficult times. It is because of their own willingness to share their failures and testimonies and prayers and love that I consider them family and I am "fool" enough to believe that their love for me is sincere. The enemy would have me to doubt this very belief but I will not be swayed otherwise. You are the kind of people God said He would place in the world. You, my friends, are salt. (Matthew 5:13)

  As I began writing this blog I spoke to a good friend on the phone who asked me to pray and to pray "right now". I hung up and did just that. Minutes later the friend called back and said that a very unreasonable supervisor had just been removed by their headquarters from their place of business. 
"Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the LORD." -Psalm 27:14

This morning has been liberating in so many ways. I am strengthened a bit more. I am encouraged much. 
I love you all.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Life After Being Played...


   Sometimes I get into pretty deep conversations with my friends. Not too long ago I was speaking to a certain friend whom I haven't heard from in some time.  "I've not seen you on Facebook much lately", I stated, "is everything alright"?  Almost immediately he responded with a string of profanities which were directed at a certain "lady" whom he felt had "played him".  He went on about how the relationship began as a friendship but later developed into something more; or so he felt, and before long he had invested not only his time but his money into her to some extent.  Unfortunately the relationship ended rather abruptly leaving him with the feeling of being used.  (Personally, I believe that his pride was hurt more than anything else because my friend is no novice to life and is at the age where one may feel that they have seen all of the many ways in which one can be played and they are now the teacher).  I listened intently to his story until he had satisfactorily expressed his frustrations to me.  And then I spoke;

   "Who has not been played at one time or another in their life"? It is, in fact, a part of life because there will always be those who will be looking for new ways to get something for free.  They may have beat you out of your hard earned money, they may have cleverly abducted your property, or maybe it was you who drove them around town all day in the hot, scorching sun as they ran their errands only to be given a crumpled $5.00 bill as you let them off at their home at the end of the day. And how about the "I'll pay you back when my Income Tax check comes"? Well, you know how that ends.  Oh, and don't forget the greatest robbery...matters of the heart.  So he/she took your love, (as you also took theirs). You became intimate, perhaps more than once, and the next thing you know you are no longer an item.  All of the plans the two of you spoke of before during the sex and pillow talk are now a fading memory.  But life does go on, doesn't it?

  Years ago I learned a saying that has helped me through many a game I had been involved in which is, "The best form of revenge is success".  Our lives are constantly filled with lessons learned; both good and bad, but if you live long enough you will find that the good and bad will balance out somehow, but only if you do not allow yourself to wallow in self-pity for getting played or allow yourself to become high-minded when you come out on top of a situation. Albert Camus said it best:  

"The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding."  (read it again until you can comprehend it).

  I am a much better person when I am doing good; regardless as to whether the same behavior is reciprocated unto me.  I feel sorry for people who are always angry, stressed, calculating, mistrusting of everyone and anything, mean. When we come to realize that we have brought nothing into this world and will not take any of it when we leave it we will re-evaluate how we conduct our daily business; both externally and internally.  

 So, my friend, let go of yester-year's pain, last winter's flop, that old ancient and brief relationship and stop revisiting the pain you felt from it on the people who love you today.  They had nothing to do with your old mistakes and neither should you any longer. 

  If we see with the proper eyes we will smile and find that we had a bit of fun along the way as we learned from life's lessons.

  Life is too short.

  I love you all,

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Me & Al Green

  The other day I blogged about Seasons Of Change. I do not profess to speak my beliefs into anyone's life other than my own, (and experience has taught me that it is not always wise to speak what God has revealed to you about others to that person), but when it comes to myself, I can say all that I want. I'm still looking towards the wondrous and exceptional things that God is about to do in my life and I am mentally and physically preparing my body.  

I stepped out to worship this morning with purpose. Lately I have been longing for an opportunity to worship again with Bishop Al Green at his church, Full Gospel Tabernacle, here in Memphis. It has been months since I had been there. I told myself I wanted to belong to a church for God and hear the preached Word more than anything else. I've enjoyed every service I've ever attended at Full Gospel Tabernacle. Al Green's church is always lively with music, shouting, laughter and he doesn't pull punches with his preaching; but I always hesitated to join his church because I wanted to be certain I wasn't doing so because of his celebrity status and a few other things. So, over the months I have visited other churches and, (quite frankly), I have been so dissatisfied at what some folks call "worship" that I have often went to church through Joel Osteen on T.V.  

  I sought God on the drive across town as to what my lot should be. I felt that I needed to not only belong to a church that I liked but I also wanted to be somewhere God could utilize my gifts. I was greeted with love and kindness from several members as I entered the sanctuary. They told me how good it was to see me again and I felt It was almost as if I had not been away. It was then I decided I would make Full Gospel Tabernacle my home today.  I soon learned that Bishop Al Green would not be in attendance due to having a recent surgery.  I was not disappointed by this news for I was there for me and for what God had for my life and I was determined to proceed with my desire.  

  Subsequently, we had a glorious worship and praise service filled with anointed singing from the choir, a couple of soloist, and dancing in the spirit.  And just after the offering was collected the church was surprised by the appearance of Bishop Al Green who later confessed from the pulpit that God told him to "get dressed and go serve those folks communion". The worship continued.

  I went forward as Bishop Green announced that the doors of the church were open. I gave my name to the sister who came over to record my name. After praying for two women who came behind me he looked over my way and said to the recorder, "And what's going on here"? She read him my name from the tablet and he said, "I know who he is. I got his CD in my car". (I confess, I was both honored and humbled), He then shook my hand tightly and welcomed me into the church body after saying in a playful, rhyming tone, "Doctor Spain don't bring me no pain". I, and others, laughed out loud at this.  I will also be joining the choir this Thursday.

  "This is my season for grace and favor. This is my season to reap what I have sown."

  - (It's Working) William Murphy

  I love you all,



Saturday, August 2, 2014

Seasons Of Change

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer" 
-Albert Camus

  Every so often I can feel it more intensely than I can at other intervals. I'm speaking of the change of season.  I liken the feeling as to when the moon is closest to the earth; a condition known as apogee.  I can almost taste the anticipation of something exciting and new about to occur.  I also know that I am not alone with this feeling of anticipation and that there are many who are also  sensing the winds of change in their own lives. I do not merely speak of things such as finding money on the ground or getting an unexpected phone call that lifts your spirits.  I'm not even referring to the promotion on the job or being hired for a new job altogether.  No, what I see in my inner man is purely a spiritual working that will coincide with the natural in ways not normally heard of in these days and times.  Unheard of because our communion, (communication), with our spiritual father is usually limited, contracted, specified, time-sensitive, self-imposing and short sighted.  Such is the nature of all prayer that is not guided by our spirit man.

"And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words".
Romans 8:26 (NLT)

  It appears that God has given me a theme for this year which is simply "Life is too short".  I cannot allow myself to become complacent and satisfied with living a mediocre life. Recently I have been reminded of my talents by a good friend.  "Mr. Spain, do you even know who you are?", I was asked.  Since then I have been seriously meditating and searching for more of me than meets the eye.  

  Perhaps you could/should ask yourself the same questions I have asked of myself. 

  • Why must my dreams be lived out through the lives of others in movies, music, reality shows or even those neighbors across the street?
  •  What prevents me from seeing the world, experiencing strange and exotic lands and people and dining in the greatest restaurants?
  • Who said that I had to be relegated to a life of work, work, and more work with nothing to look forward to but more work?
  • Just because I am ill/handicapped/have high blood pressure/suffer from diabetes/have aches in my bones/can't see well while driving at night/am not as sexually active as I would like to be/struggling with being too thin or too heavy; does this mean that I am unable to change these things about myself and become better than I ever have been before?

  My friends, as it has always been so it still is today; many of our answers to our questions are found when we go to that quiet space for the answers which cannot be given by any person speaking in his/her natural mind. The old folks called it the Secret Closet. It could literally be that, or you could hop in your car all by yourself and just ride. Perhaps you have the luxury of sitting on a tranquil beach or take a long stroll in the cool of the evening.  Whether at work or home or play; you must find your secret place; devoid of all distractions and demands from the outside world, friends and family. I promise you that if you do this you will find your purpose through Him. You will also discover that your burdens will become much lighter and your inner peace will increase.
  Now, the question is "will you have the courage and the faith to do what you know must be done after learning what it is you must do?" We are such creatures of habit and are not easily persuaded to change. So for this, some may need a strong, spiritual partner/friend along the way.

  Much more greater things to come.
  I love you all,


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Remembering Carol

"One of the most beautiful qualities of true 
friendship is to understand and to be understood".

Many years ago I worked at several VA hospitals after retiring from the Army and going to college for my Social Worker degree.  During the course of those years I met a multitude of great people who also worked there. It didn't matter to me wether a person was black, white, Asian, Hispanic; we all were just people and for the most part, we got along well. But, it also depended on what region you were in; and believe me, people are different according to what part of the country you are in. 

  I wanted to share a personal Facebook message between myself and a young lady I had the pleasure of working with in Louisville, KY. her name: Carol Graf, the most hardcore Louisville Cardinal fan I have ever met. These were written in 2011. Please read to the end. 

    Carol Graf

  • Dearest Dennis: I wanted to tell you that I read your blogs every time you post. Every time I read them I am totally amazed at your writing talent. It is so impressive. You are so inspirational and although you are such a spiritual man, your messages do not focus totally on that. You have such a nice way of incorporating your beliefs and the every day aspects of life. I look forward to reading them. You are such a talented man. I truly miss you Dennis. I enjoyed our daily encounters at work so much. I feel so blessed that you came into my life. I love you my friend.
  • 8 March 2011
  • Dennis Earl Spain
    Dennis Earl Spain

    My dearest carol, It is always so good to hear from you. I appreciate your kind words. I think of you always and I will always consider you to be a true friend. Have a most grand day. I still plan to visit you. Dennis
  • 21 April 2011
  • Dennis Earl Spain
    Dennis Earl Spain

    Hi Carol. I am still among the living. I miss you and I pray for you daily. Love you always.
  • 22 April 2011
  • Carol GrafDearest Dennis:
    I am so sorry that I have neglected you, my friend. Sometimes, I work so many hours at work and I just come home, look at FB for a minute and then get off. But, I do read your blogs every day. They are inspirational to me, but sometimes they sadden me because I sense that you are having a hard time. So, I am going to give you my numbers, and if you want to or need to, you give me a call. Even if you just want to talk about nothing at all, it would be my pleasure to listen. I am doing well, just working too much. I still come home to my four-legged best friend every day. I saw Eddrenna yesterday and asked about you. I told her you needed to come volunteer for a few days a week. So, my apologies again to you for not keeping in touch. I promise I will be more mindful of that. My cell phone number is 693-####; my home number is 333-####. You call any time, day or night....I mean it.
    I hope you and your family has a wonderful Easter. Love you and miss you my friend,
  • 24 April 2011
  • Dennis Earl Spain
    Dennis Earl Spain

    Hi Carol. Here's a big hug for you. Kisses, too.
  • Carol Graf
    Carol Graf

    right back to you my man!
  • 11 August 2011
  • Dennis Earl Spain
    Dennis Earl Spain

    Hi Carol. Marlyce's oldest daughter has died. Keep her in prayer.

  Carol died shortly after this series of messages.  Unbeknownst to her or her doctors, she had developed cancer. I cannot speculate as to what type of cancer it was but it took her quickly. Everyone was in shock. Carol always joked with me and would say, "If I was into men, you would be just my type"; and then we would laugh out loud. She was the sweetest person.  After Carol passed away I was inclined to send one last message to her Facebook page.

Dennis Earl Spainposted toCarol Graf
Carol, We didn't get a chance to talk again after I left Louisville but we certainly had good times in the Business Office together with all of the others. You were the glue that held us all together. Your sense of humor was unmatched and I will personally miss the love in your eyes and the hugs I received from you whenever we met. I lost my breath when I learned that you had gone to be with God, but I will smile each time I look at the stars at night. I will miss you and love you always, my dearest friend.

Love your friends while it is day.

I love you all, 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Goodbye Stephanie


Today I worked hard. It was extremely hot today; 90 degrees, to be exact. We had quite a deluge of rain last week and my lawn had sprung to an unacceptable height.  I finally whipped up the nerve to go and tackle it at around 1:30 this afternoon.  Our home sits on nearly an acre of land and this is when I truly appreciate investing in a riding mower some years ago.  I toiled for hours, it seemed.  It was a good feeling, getting dirty and sweaty. I cut and I trimmed and I hedged and I raked and soon it was over.  man, I wondered why I decided to live in a home with such a large yard.  

  As I was winding up from my labour, my wife had come home. She came to the back yard where I was working with a bottle of cold water in her hand.  She told me some news she had just learned from a Facebook post.  "Do you remember Stephanie"? Stephanie was a young woman in Louisville, Kentucky who worked at the YMCA after school program where David attended when my wife and I both worked for the VA hospital there.  "She died in her sleep last night", she said suddenly and with disbelief.  A few years ago when we lived in Kentucky Stephanie's oldest son, (he was about 15), fell into a coma while playing one day. She refused to let him die and had him placed in a facility where he could be looked after. She had such hopes that he would someday awaken. What a burden that must be on a mother's heart.

  I froze for an instant; as if that would help me better understand what I had just heard.  Suddenly the tiredness from working on my lawn dissipated. I had no more thoughts of things to complain about.  In fact, I was happy to have had the strength to complete my tasks. 

 Stephanie was gone; leaving behind a young son, a husband and many friends and family.

  After hearing this news I concluded that there was absolutely nothing bad about my personal day today. I realized that even in sadness I have life and even in sickness and pain I have breath.  I have my loved ones to see, touch and speak to.  The old adage which recants "Life is too short" is more true than we sometimes give it credit.

  Love everyone.

  I love you all,

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thoughts On The 13th

 It's Friday night; Friday the 13th to be exact.  I'm not accustomed to superstition so this date has never troubled me.  David and I had an extremely productive day. I love driving my Dodge Challenger, as some of you know, so I am almost always willing to take a drive.  Since David is out of school for the Summer, I make it a point to involve him in my daily goings-on.  Tomorrow is Father's Day but I have nothing special planned. My wife keeps asking me what I want as a gift and what special activity do I wish to do. I can think of absolutely nothing.  I am very blessed to actually be able to say, "I have everything I want". 

  I am aware of nearly every minute of my day. I focus in on the little things and I cherish them. Anything from time spent with my family to a text or Facebook message from one of my friends is usually what makes my day in a massive way.  

  I know health care at VA hospitals are in the news lately because of long and fictitious waiting list for Veterans.  Being one of those Veterans I can attest that much of this is very true.  About a week ago my back injury, (brought on by an injury during my Army career), flared up very badly; so much to the point that I could not attain a comfortable position standing or lying down. Long story short; I went to my provider at my clinic, provider wasn't in so I saw a nurses, nurse had my blood drawn, asked me a battery of questions, promised me that I'd be seen by another provider who was present,  sent me to the waiting room, called me back in her office an hour later, and then told me to go get X-Rays at the main hospital.  And all of that without anyone so much as laying a finger on me to examine me.

  I went to the VA hospital the next morning to take the X-Rays. After being fumbled over in the X-Ray room by an intern who had much trouble operating the equipment, I was told to go home. "When will I know the results of my X-Ray", I asked.  "Oh, we'll call you in about 3-4 weeks", the technician said.  My wife was with me and she said, "We're going to the emergency room". After an hour more of waiting I finally saw a physician and complained to her that I have never been examined.  She uttered some words in defense of the caretakers before me and, almost reluctantly, began to examine me. 

  I was given some Motrin and told to go home. They said it was only muscle spasms.

  I thank God that I am still alive.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Finding My Child-like Faith Again

"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother"
  -Khalil Gibran

  This week has been difficult for so many reasons. Normally I try not to focus on myself too much, but sometimes it cannot be avoided.  Several times this week my heart and mind was  attuned to the still, small voice of God. It present while I was  driving my car, when I was shopping, when I was with my family, when I was happy and even when I became sad or upset.  This morning I purposely put my faith into action like I have not done in quite some time.

  In my flesh, I am reminded of the many sweet things life has brought to me such as good health. Aside from the aches and pains I have developed from my military service I am still very much happy.  I have good friends, loving family members and security.  I am thankful for having had loving parents who chose to let me be born.  

 On the other hand, in my spirit, I am reminded of the hope of another life; one without pain and suffering, without malice or despair, without hurt and tears, without pain and where we are told we shall never grow old.  

  These things I have been taught since I was a child, but let me tell you that holding onto these beliefs has not always been easy for me; and still every now and then I struggle to hold on.  We are naturally drawn towards things that make us smile and things that make us feel good.  It is during those times we are ever mindful of how good and faithful God is. But then there comes a time when we are lonely, ostracized  mistreated by those who said that they loved us, suffering in our bodies because of some relentless sickness or disease, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, divorce, bankruptcy or the repossession of a house or automobile.  Although we may recall the Bible verse which tells us "but mankind is born unto trouble, as surely as sparks fly upward" (Job 5:7) that still is not enough to assuage the anguish we feel when trials come into our life. 

  In my "listening" on this week the popular theme seems to be that of encouragement. Encouragement to step out on faith.  Am I the only one who can hear the inward voice of God urging me to stop dying slowly and to trust Him as never before? It's as if He is saying "Go get your blessing".  I know you can feel it in your own spirit.

  When I was a young man I had the greatest of dreams and aspirations for my life and when I came to know God my hopes and dreams became astronomical. There was nothing I could not do if I truly put my mind to it.  I could care less as to who would tell me that my desires were not attainable. I wasn't deterred about such things as not having enough education or enough money or how many others did not achieve what I was seeking after or what color my skin was because I was seeking and believing God for ME.  There is much to be said about youth; for when we are young it is so easy to believe in "impossible" things but as we grow older the cares of this life and our belief that it is solely up to us to make things happen in our life and life's constant distractions lessen our connection with the supernatural that surrounds us each day.  There comes a time when we must forsake our hinderances and go back to that wilderness, meditate and pray and seek that source which we knew so intimately as children.  He is, after all, that same God.

Woe unto he/she who sits upon the porch in their old age and wishes they had done things differently.

  Today I am stepping forward where I see no floor. I am believing that He will make His will to be made known in my life.  I want to trust Him as I did when I was a child; all the while remembering that His thoughts are not my thoughts and His ways are far above my own.  

  There is so much more to say, but I will close this dialogue for now.

  I love you all,


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Tuesday Morning Dream


  It is now 4:30 a.m. and I am wide awake; largely due to a very vivid dream I had earlier.  I have not been able to get a very good night's sleep since I returned from Operation Desert Storm while in the Army. When I do sleep it is usually inundated by dreams of the war or some type of activity involving my being back in the Army. The dreams are so real that when I awake I almost immediately thank God that I am actually in my bed and in my home and far from anything military. 

  Although serving nearly 24 years in the Army has afforded me and my family security my recurring dreams often remind me that success is not free, but rather comes at a cost. 

  This morning my dream was not of a military nature at all, but in a church setting. (I suppose sometimes dealing with "church folk" can be considered a battlefield, but that is another story).  I will give a brief synopsis of my dream so as not to bore you:

  In my dream I seemed to have held some sort of a position in the church. I recall walking into a large room where the men of the church were gathered for some sort of service or meeting. I did not see any of the women of the church.  As I entered the room I immediately noticed a man; a stranger, standing at the head of the room addressing the men of the church.  After listening to him for a brief time I noticed that he was spewing some sort of new doctrine which he attributed to a great "woman of God".  Although he spoke of worshiping and traditions and activities that were totally contrary to biblical teachings he was very compelling and the silence within the room was evidence that he had captured the attention of the men in attendance.  

  I approached the stranger and asked him if he had actually seen any of the "miracles" he described. He said that he had not. I asked him by what authority did he come before this group of men and to lecture them. He said it was by his own authority that he addressed the group. I then told him to cease his questionable oration and to have a seat.  He did so.

  Later, the Bishop of our church came into the facility and sat down in his seat in the center of the pulpit. Before the Bishop could utter a word to the group of men and women, (at this time the room was filled with the women of the church as well), the stranger stood up from where he was seated and walked towards the front of the church to where the bishop was seated;  spewing out the same ungodly message he had been speaking earlier to the group of men with every step he took.  The stranger got down on both knees before the Bishop and said, "Bishop, my sword had been taken away from me earlier, (referring to my sitting him down), but that's okay because I decided to bring my own sword".  He stood up, faced the congregation and without permission proceeded, once again, to speak his "doctrine" to the church. The Bishop was noticeably very patient but soon politely smiled and gently motioned for the church security to remove the man from the building.

  Later, it was learned that the man was making his rounds among the single women of the church; living off of them until he could no longer drain them and then moved on to another woman. He was even able to seduce the Bishop's daughter.  Attendance of the younger church women  became noticeably scarce but the church remained calm and continued on with its duties.  By next Sunday all of the single women who had previously left the church under the stranger's influence had returned to the church. No condemnation was spoken to them by the Bishop or the other members of the church. The stranger was never seen again.

  Note: I will not attempt to convey my thoughts on this dream. Instead, I will allow you to formulate your own understanding if, indeed, it means anything to you.  

  I also do not apologize for being so candid concerning myself.  In the past some have stated that I am too transparent. I believe God still speaks to His people in visions and dreams; however, in this day and age we fear being ridiculed and labeled as crazy by friends, family and strangers. And you are right to feel this way because that is exactly what they said about all of the prophets and preachers of old, but you shouldn't let that stop you.  

 Am I the last man who does not fear being considered a fool for Christ? I don't think so. If we were more willing to share our visions and dreams with others we would soon learn that God is still speaking to His people and that He has never ceased to do so. A dear friend of mine, Colon Jones, recently shared this:

 "God's blessings are not to end with you but, instead, they are to flow through you".  

"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death". 
-Revelation 12:11

I love you all.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

My Special Gift

"I Love my son and am proud of my son"
Robert H. Schuller

  On Sunday mornings I usually tune-in to a television program called Sunday Morning hosted by Charles Osgood.  This particular morning there was a segment about autistic children and how Disney movies have helped many autistic children to better communicate and socialize with the "outside world".  The program featured a young autistic man who was diagnosed at age three and who is now attending college. He, (and many other autistic students), each have a certain proclivity for Walt Disney movies and they have even formed a Disney Club where they come together and watch their favorite Disney movies. It was amazing and touching to see them discus the movies, sing the songs in unison and display characteristics which society has determined autistic people are incapable of ever being able to show. 

  My dear son, David, (whom many of you know has autism), is displaying many of these same traits at home because of his love of Disney programs. He and I can sing Doctor Seuss songs at anytime of the day or night and he never tires of it. I enjoy seeing his eyes light up as we both act out certain parts of the songs.  He routinely asks me to take him to certain stores because he has amazing intuition as to where to find certain plush characters. Our hit list consists of Target, Goodwill, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Kmart and The Disney store in the mall. It's as if he has received a personal message that the character he is wanting is here or there.  I believe each autistic child has their own "gift". 

  David is now 16 years old and will be graduating to the 11th grade next year. He has an excellent teacher who is masterful at combining the basic elements of education with life skills that he and his peers will use in their adult life to enable them to be more self sufficient. The classes that were once mandatory for us when we were in grade school; home economics, typing/computer use, jobs, art, physical education, personal hygiene, doing laundry, baking and learning how to do laundry, (to name a few), are artfully incorporated in his daily regimen.  When school is over David is eager to come home and relax with his computer, DVDs and television programs.  When people tell me that I should take away his characters and his collection of movies and toys so that he can "grow up", I am secure in my stance that David has learned to associate and communicate through these items and I see no harm in allowing my son to be himself. Besides, what do people feel I should replace these things with? A toy gun? Or perhaps I should force him to sit down and learn to watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta or some sexually explicit program?  I think not.

  When all is said and done, No one truly has the answer to raising an autistic child. It hurts me when some people fear my son but those who encounter David daily or even for the first time in a store, the mall, or on the street will attest that he is one of the most polite and lovable people they have ever met.

  He has caused me to broaden my perspective and not to sweat the small stuff because it is all small stuff. Because David is not able or willing to communicate pain I am in continual vigilance of his behavior. In other words, he has been my main source for obtaining patience, introspection and gentleness towards others.

  Thank you for listening.
  I love you all,


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Not Always Happy, But Always Forgiven.

Change is unavoidable. Sometimes it's a change from within, sometimes it's an external change. Whatever the means, it is still change.   When one feels that they are where they are going to be for the remainder of their life, another plan sometimes emerges from places never conceived. As adults we pride ourselves on planning our lives through education, family planning, whether to marry or remain single, or where to live. I suppose that is why it is difficult when a situation arises that may send you North instead of South; East as opposed to West. 

  You desire to work in a particular job forever and retire but there comes a sudden change. You marry and have certain expectations and that dream falls short. You desire that your children excel in school and attend a college where they blossom and attain a standard of living that exceeds anything you have ever acquired, but they go in a totally different direction.  The list goes on and on.

 This morning my thoughts are of King David, (in the Bible). David was a man called by God at a very young age. Even he believed that his older brothers were "better fitted" for the tasks that God had called him to do but he was obedient and followed God. But I don't want to relegate this writing to a sermon. I want to fast-forward through King David's life of accomplishments and focus on him during his trying times; such as when King Saul was out to kill him out of sheer jealously, his adultery with the married Bathsheba and his order to have her husband killed. The death of his child and feeling alone and abandoned, (even by his God), on several occasions.  

  If we were to only focus on King David's achievements we would conclude that he was totally blessed and above reproach. But as for me, I find more of a kinship with him when I read of his faults and mistakes and of his falling short of the mark. Why? Because that is what life actually brings to us. Disappointments in ourselves, in other people, in the organization we work in and in our government. 

 Just this morning I read a post from a good friend which stated that we should never say we are sick of church; but rather say that we are sick of organized religion. I understood this immediately. Church is of God whereby organized religion is of man.  When I learned the difference between the two many yeas ago I was able to keep a smile on my face and a song in my heart even when my character, my feelings, my accomplishments and my manhood was being grievously attacked from the outside; even when I was the one who was in error. 

  Yes, I have made many mistakes. I have fallen short during my life and will most likely fall short again several times before I die. I believe one of the greatest lessons I have learned this year is not to beat yourself up when you fall short or do not fulfill a commitment. 

  My dear friends, we all have sinned and fall short of God's expectations of us. So smile. Smile that no other is in control of your soul but God. Smile because you have lived another day to be a better person than you were yesterday. Smile because you are making a difference in someone's life by simply posting a thought or an encouraging word on Facebook.  And believe me when I say that God notices every seemingly insignificant act you do towards others; especially strangers.  

 I'm going out to do some things around town and I will reflect and meditate on good things and good people as I do.  Don't stay down!
I love you all,

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Morning Thoughts

"Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated". 

   You would not believe the week I've had. It was certainly a great one; one of the best weeks I have experienced in a long time.  Oh, sure. There were many occasions for breakdowns, tears, worry, anger and hatred but I am learning new methods of bypassing these negative joy-kills everyday.  If you want any idea of how I do this I will share it with you. If not, you can stop reading now.

  I believe in living a "good" life.  This simply means that I attempt to have a character that is not abusive, judgmental, prejudiced, angry nor high-minded.  No, I do not agree with every one's lifestyle, methodology, or opinions. I was bred a military man therefore order, consistency, precision and obedience to authority is within me.  One of hardest things I ever had to do was make the transition from the military life to civilian life.  (Even today I do not think I have successfully accomplished this).  In many ways civilian life was the antithesis of all I had learned from my own upbringing and through 20 plus years of serving my country.  I found it most stressful and difficult when I would let all the unfairness that went on around me affect me to my core. I would reason within myself, "If this were the Army and that person was my soldier...". You know the rest.  Eventually I had to learn to care for my own little corner of the world and only then did I begin to feel the pressure release.

  The same applies to life, in general.  I used to spend long hours worrying about family and friend's predicaments. I would become so entrenched in their situations that I would lose sleep, become stressed and depressed and even spend money I should not have spent.  But life has taught me to let go and let God. I learned that you can temporarily relieve a person's situation but if that person does not change within their own heart than you will continually find yourself attending to the same situation over and over again.  My wife has a saying that they recite in her home town of Cincinnati, Ohio, which is, "If you like it, then I love it". In other words, if being as you are is fine with you then it's doubly fine with me. 

  Now comes a bit of my learned method. Each morning before my feet hit the floor I stretch and  I call forth things into my life. I call forth good health, I call forth wealth, I call forth favor, I call forth wisdom; and the list does not end there. One may call forth into their life any and all positive attributes they may feel lacking or are in dire need of.  I find a smile before I am attacked with depression or worry. I become thankful because I have been able to awaken to a new day.  I watch and observe all things using my spirit man's eyes.

  To do these things may seem odd to some or benign to others; but it is far better than waking up unguarded and being at the mercy of the spiritual wickedness with surrounds us all.  My friend, it is time to lose the chains. It is time to walk in true victory and not in that quiet, timid attitude that you have been taught is victory.  It's long overdue that you stand your ground against all that seeks to bury you in a life of complacency, repetition and no hope for better.  I don't know about you but I am going to drain this life of all my rewards. Children of royalty should not be in the hog pen. Shake off your arrogance and pride and unforgiving hearts and come back home to your Father who openly awaits your return.

I've said too much but know that I love you all.
