The Millipede
My alarm went off at 6:30 A.M. My bed was cool and cozy and I had to fight the urge to remain cocooned in my covers. I sat up, gave thanks for another beautiful day of life, and donned my walking attire. As I stepped onto my porch I was greeted by crisp, fresh air. Evidence of Last night's rain could be seen on the asphalt. This made me smile because I love the rain. I wonder if one can ever truly clear their mind of thoughts, songs, news, or conversations. I always try as I began my gait because I believe it is my reasonable service to render earnest prayers and supplications for my friends and family who are hustling about in the rat race and often do not have the ample time to stop and pray for long periods of time.
Most days I see several people on my trek through the neighborhood; the jogging, wiry woman with her blond hair tucked underneath her baseball cap in a ponytail, the trotting gentleman with the runner's shorts accompanied by his two small dogs, (who are notorious for defecating in the street), the middle-aged woman who always has a pleasant countenance as we pass each other and exchange pleasantries about whether it will be hot today or if we will get some much needed rain. Men and women smile and wave at me as they drive past in their automobiles on the way to do this or that. When it's quiet and serene and friendly like this one can easily fall in love with people and life again.
As I was making my return journey I noticed a bright orange and black millipede crossing the road. Differences Between Centipedes and Millipedes<><><><> >
Characteristic | Centipede | Millipede |
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Antennae | long | short |
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Number of Legs | one pair per body segment | two pairs per body segment, except for the first three segments, which have one pair each |
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Appearance of Legs | visibly extend from sides of body; trail backward behind body | do not visibly extend from body; rear leg pairs in line with body |
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Movement | fast runners | slow walkers |
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Ability to Bite | can bite | do not bite |
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Feeding Habits | mostly predatory | mostly scavengers |
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My first inclination was to quickly find a small stick and pick it up and take it off the road, lest it get smashed by an oncoming vehicle. And then I heard it speak.
"What are you doing", asked the insect.
"I'm getting you out of harms way", I replied.
"And who has determined that I am in harms way"?, it said defensively.
"But you are in danger of being killed as you cross this wide road and besides that, the pavement is hot from the rising sun which must be tortuous on your many feet. And not to mention the fact that you are an open target for foraging birds", I reasoned.
"What may seem to you as my demise is actually the natural order of my being", it explained. "You view my journey across this road as long and dangerous while I see it as very necessary because the garden on that side of the street which I travel towards has a certain plant that is good for my body and it is not found on the side of the street from whence I came. As for the hot pavement, It does not bother me because my feet are in constant motion; therefore, I am not standing still long enough for the heat to affect me. And yes, I am aware that cars pass by on this road quite frequently, but I cannot afford to be afraid because fear will cause me to never venture out of my comfortable and familiar environment. And lastly, if a bird happens to spot me and snatches me up to feed to her babies, even then my life has served some good purpose. Now, sir, if you do not mind; I have a journey to continue and dreams to fulfill. Have a good day."
Today, I learned not to disturb the natural order of things.
Have a great and productive day.
I love you all.
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