This is possibly the hardest blog I have ever written. I have some family who dislike the fact that I blog and they are sometimes bothered at how transparent and open my writings sometimes can be. It's sort of like when the celebrity, Bill Cosby, took a change from comedy and began to speak of the terrible plight of the Black Family in America. Although he was accurate in his admonishments and criticisms, many African Americans chided Mr. Cosby "for airing blacks folk's dirty laundry". I thought it was sad that people would want to censor his words of truth simply because it embarrassed them. I admit that I almost stopped blogging because of the feelings of others, but then I was reminded that I was always this way; outspoken and unashamed in every vocation I had ever undertaken.
Perhaps it began with the position I maintained in my family of origin. I was the 6th born out of seven children; the knee-baby, as some would call it. I was a small child and my existence was overshadowed by three other siblings, the twins who came before me and my sister who came after me. I had no doubt my parents loved me just as equally but this fact did not preclude me from striving to be the best in everything I undertook. Whether it was singing, dancing, academics, art; I gave it my all. Many years later while stationed in Germany I became an ordained minister. I suffered ridicule concerning my "unorthodox" ways when I was the pastor of my first Baptist church in a small town in Oklahoma. Several surrounding church pastors spoke their disdain at my not being the type of Baptist preacher they were accustomed to. They were right. I was not a Baptist preacher, nor Methodist nor Church of God in Christ for that matter. I just wanted people to be free and receive every good thing God had for them. It mattered not what color you were, how much money you made, (or didn't make), I merely wanted people to openly show genuine love for each other. My zeal for God was unmoved by the opinion of others; even some of the members in my own congregation. I recall a time when the city had a rash of young people being killed due to drug activity. We were in church one Sunday and the night before there had been another young man killed in our streets. As I stood at the pulpit before the sermon was to be preached my heart was moved in a most awesome way. I then said to the church that I was tired of the killings and how we were called to do more than cower in the safety of our buildings. With that being said, I asked those who were strong enough to be with me to follow me. I walked down from the pulpit, out of the church, and led my congregation, singing, around the corner to an area known for prostitution and drinking and drugs. We formed a circle in the street between two of the "clubs" and I preached an uncripted sermon from the center. We later left that area and returned to the church still singing and praising God, and in our midst were two women, both who were prostitutes and drug addicts, that had left that area with us and were crying and praising God for bringing them the message of salvation and saving their souls. I was later criticized by the other ministers for not getting a permit from the city to hold services outdoors. However; the local police were grateful for our efforts. I learned a long time ago that it is better to obey God than man. As an Army sergeant I was also motivated to excel beyond the norm. I loved perfection and I sought to teach my soldiers to be the same. It was not "normal" for a senior NCO to love, defend and care for his troops as much as I did. I believed in a soldier working a grade level above what was pinned on his collar. I enjoyed watching my young soldiers stand toe-to-toe with other soldiers of higher rank and always winning. My troops were not like a family to me; they were my family. Never had I ever associated with a group of men who loved and looked out for one another with such sincerity and courage. While stationed in Germany a second time I and my soldiers were called up to war. We survived Desert Storm; physically at least. I always hoped that my soldiers fared better after the war than I did. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. We stand on the horizon ready to see the new year unfold. No one truly knows who will see the end of 2012. As for me, I am not afraid to live or die. I believe the Apostle Paul when he said "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Unlike some, I am thankful for the medium of Facebook. It has placed me in touch with so many friends, old and new. They have shared in my happiest moments and have been a comfort to me in my times of despair, loneliness and pain. My heart was grievously broken the other day and my Facebook friends were there for me with their prayers and sincere concern. I truly do love you all. I do not know what the future holds but I do know who holds the future. May God keep each and every one of you up to the New Year and beyond. Please be safe. Dennis
Today has been a good day. For the first time in a long while I truly felt retired this morning and very much alive and attuned to everything around me. No doubt it has something to do with the time of season; Christmas. Earlier this morning I reflected back on my younger life; a time when I was so ignorant as to what Christmas was truly about. I spent more than I could afford to spend buying expensive and excessive gifts for myself and my then spouse. I am in such a different frame of mind in my elder years as I still believe in gift-giving, but not in the excessive, hollow manner in which I used to do. Largely it's because I have truly been living the old adage, "Every day is Christmas". This year I have been given the gift of friends; true friends. Some of them I have been associating with for many years. Others I have recently reconnected with via the social network. I have some of the best friends ever!
I talked with a friend from my pre-military days, Colon, this morning. It has been years since we communicated and we spoke for an hour on the phone. Perhaps longer. My dear friend, Marlyce has been heavy on my mind for quite some time. Some of you may remember that she and her husband had lost two children in a span of months this year. (I wrote "Autumn leaves" on 8/15/11 in honor of her daughter and friend, Autumn). Many of us have experienced loss of family and thereby can testify that the pain never truly dissipates but only lies dormant within us until triggered by an occasion, a smell, a memory or deafening silence. I pray my heart to tears for my friends who have lost loved ones.
My brother, Alfred had a successful throat surgery a week ago. My other siblings; Junior, Victor, Vernon, Joyce and Cynthia are all blessed to breathe air today.
I love so many people today. I have my health, my family, (both family of origin and extended family), I have food, clothing, shelter, a son who never tires of hugging me and telling me that he loves me. Although I lie down each night knowing that I have no ill will towards anyone it still wounds me when I am grieveously attacked; especially by those who claim to love me. I pray to have a heart of forgiveness. Have a very Merry Christmas and try not to get lost in the fanfare. I love you all. Dennis
I bought a new mattress the other day and I can easily say that it has helped me to sleep better than I have in a very long time. I still dream, but I have not woken up at 2:00 AM and not been able to succumb to slumber again. David came into my room and gave me a hug before getting on his school bus. Later, I heard the wife pull out of the garage on her way to work. I lay in bed for another half hour contemplating the days gone by as well as the day ahead. Later I got up and brewed some coffee. I drank from my "Retired" Army mug as I perused my Facebook friends on the computer. I am happy that so many are doing well, but my heart goes out to my Army buddy, Don, who has an ill Uncle. Don is hurting because of this and it makes my heart ache, as well.
I read the 10th chapter of Matthew in my Bible at the breakfast table. I will forever be amazed at the words and instructions of Jesus. So many ministries have gotten away from the simplicity of the Gospel which is to love your neighbor as yourself. I must confess that I have been somewhat despondent because I have been dealing with situations involving people who like to use others and my own giving until it hurts; only to end up feeling used and unappreciated in the things I do. It's happened before and I always say "no more", but I break my own rules. Reading my Word was comforting because I became invigorated knowing that God will provide for me even when I do not know where that provision will come from. All that we possess will one day be burned away or rotted. The true thing that remains is love. I do not want to miss that lesson...ever. Have a great day. Dennis