Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
-Proverbs 4:23
I was on the road quite a bit this weekend. I remembered how much I used to love to travel and to listen to the old time gospel preachers as I passed through certain states. Radio preaching is so much different from the preaching you usually hear on the television, and I understand why. With television it's all about the ratings; and there is also the 'Do not offend' factor. Have you ever asked yourself how does one preach the Gospel without offending some people? The Bible, the "Word of God", cannot help but to offend any and all who do not abide by it. I don't care who it is that might be in error. If the shoe fits, lace it up. From alcoholic to meth user to crack head to church deacon to choir member to preacher and pastor; all souls must adhere to its words, for these words create a better life for us now and hereafter.
Anyone who has been around The Word for any certain length of time will attest to the fact that the Bible is not a respecter of persons; in other words, no one is exempt from its teachings and admonitions. I used to esteem "religious" people over non-religious people when I was but a novice in the church; however, I came to know that anyone is susceptible to failing in their spiritual walk. I witnessed many devastating acts and even committed some of my own dastardly deeds, all while wearing the "cloak of righteousness". Although I remained in the church I was never comfortable with being a hypocrite. (You know what a hypocrite is don't you? It's who a person really is when no one else is looking). So because I feared God more than man I decided to sit down and let God work in my life rather than to perpetrate a fraud for the sake of appearances. I know you are wondering just what is was that caused me to do this. Trust me when I say that it was nothing that warranted jail and neither was it a criminal offense. Some of us are just very sensitive to displeasing God in the slightest way. It's a shame that there are many religious people who are too concerned with their position in the church or have too much pride to put their church activities on hold while they humbly submit themselves to God so that He may repair their cracks.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap". Galatians 6: 7-9
Does a person truly believe that he/she can continue to rile on another's behavior while all the while they are living in deeper offense than those whom they seek to correct? As the opening scripture says, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Our heart may contain many issues of life but it is sad that these issues contained therein too often concern other people's faults and none of our own shortcomings. Have you sincerely searched your own heart lately? Has your position or pride kept you from being the best that you can be for God? Are you wondering why your ship hasn't come in while all around you so many of your friends are prospering and being blessed in miraculous ways?
Here is a personal challenge to you; imagine that you, alone, are standing before God's judgement seat and He has given you 10 minutes to come clean with Him or you will be turned towards Hell. What would you confess?
My friends, there are no benefits to having pride.
Have a great and productive day. I love you all.
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