Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday Morning Dream

  I slept very good last night, (Saturday).  Some credit has to be given to my prescribed sleep-aid. I had a very vivid dream during the early hours of Sunday morning. I dreamed that I was shirtless and for some reason I was carrying a woman, (I will not disclose who), who was flung over my left shoulder. As I alternated running through a residential area and a wooded area (sometimes it seemed to be in circles),  I recall feeling as if I was responsible for her safety. I say this because there was another woman who greatly resembled the ex-wife of one of my brothers and she very angry at me for some reason and she and her young son were throwing bricks, ( and anything else they could find),  at me as I carried the woman and ran. Some of the objects hit me and I recall that she bloodied my left shoulder with a brick as I continued to carry the woman through a small patch of trees. She yelled insults as she attacked me but my stride was unwavering. 

  I know that in life we are often met with obstacles while on our journey.  I would be in error if I contended that there was no one who desired to do me harm or wish me even death. (Yes, I truly believe that).  But here is the key to not having any fear; If God be for you he is more than the world against you. Regardless if you have wronged someone or have been wronged by another, God is able to forgive you of all of your mistakes and he will even protect you from those who have no capacity to forgive or who are simply too controlled by the enemy to think gracious thoughts towards anyone. When you know that you are forgiven you can rest easy and let the Lord fight your battles; seen and unseen. 

  The woman I was carrying and protecting in my dream was someone who had hurt me badly in life. She manipulated me for material possessions, she pretended to care about me, she talked behind my back and she lied on me yet here I was protecting her with my own life from others. In reality, I have forgiven this woman and I make it a point to still pray for her. I am concerned about the condition of my heart and being right with God more than anything else.

  Don't miss out on heaven because of anger, malice and unforgiveness.