"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave,
where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor
wisdom." -Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NIV)
I'm waiting on my proverbial ship to come in. This is nothing new I do; more like a continuation of hopes and dreams I have had ever since I can remember. Some items on my list have already been realized while others are slowly coming to fruition. Time and age has caused frequent changes in priority and quantity regarding some of the things on my checklist, but still, the basic items remain which are:
Long life, good health and strength so I may be allowed to fulfill my obligations as a husband and father.
I do not desire to support my family of origin or members of my extended family, but I do desire to alleviate them of any debts incurred and allow them a new lease on life.
I desire to be able to come to the aid of friends who are already doing all they can to keep their nose above water but may have fallen victim to that unexpected emergency.
I will travel to see friends and family who I've not seen in years. I would not show up to be a burden to their household but I would vacation in their city and invite them to go shopping and to have dinner with me at various restaurants .
I will extend my ministry outside the confined walls of the church and pray that I will be led to interact with those who need more than a new suit or another pair of heels for the church anniversary. As a small child I sometimes wondered where was the church when we hardly had food in our home or when Christmas was devoid of a decorated tree with gifts underneath.
I would like to help those who help themselves.
Exhaustive volumes have been written about life and its meaning. I say we simply make life by being the best we can. Smile more often today. Dennis
“Thoughts Become Things... Choose The Good Ones!” ― Mike Dooley
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what
is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think
about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." ----Philippians 4:8 (New Living Translation)
There has been a constant theme being disseminated this week. I've heard it through the testimony of others, I've read it while studying my Word, and I have even seen various Facebook posts from several friends alluding to the same thing; People of God, do not become discouraged and lose faith. God is in control. Sometimes I have to take a break from watching the news on television. I believe in being in touch with current affairs, but nowadays the media appears to have an agenda to induce panic among the masses. If it rains they predict a massive flood. If it snows they predict shut-in conditions and advise you to go raid the nearest super market. There is nothing new under the sun, (Ecclesiastes 1:9), and if we will simply remember this we will know that this world has seen deep depressions, famines, disease, natural and man-made catastrophes, floods and storms since the beginning of time. Those who are devoid of hope and without trust in God will see every instance as "The end". Author Anna Monnar said “Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not.” So true is this saying; However, do you know that a negative event is more likely to occur if you continually fear it happening? (See Job 3:25) "What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true". (New Living Translation) Every day that we awaken we must be aware of the fact that we are responsible as to how the day will be; regardless of what has occurred the day before; and certainly we are not to be worried about tomorrow. If you tell yourself you feel fine, you will. It will not always be easy but it is always possible; shake off worry and fear and set your hopes on things above. Dennis
I have purposely stayed away from blogging these last few days.It's not that I didnot have anything I wanted to say; quite the opposite. I had so much on my mind and when I get this way I have to remember to be slow to speak lest I speak out of anger as opposed to reason. I actually do try to live peaceably with all men but then there are those who have a way of getting on that certain nerve out of their ignorance or purposeful hatred. My wife will be the first to tell anyone that I have a very low tolerance for messiness; especially if my intentions towards someone is sincere; but it's those small minded people, (those who make it their passion to find a reason as to why you are less better than they are or who make it their mission to use you up until you are literally parched), who irritate me the most. Perhaps this is why I am such a loner and not one who regularly congregates with others. The scripture says "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", (John 8:7). But I have learned that as with so many other words of wisdom this goes right over the head of many people who believe they have "got it together". It's because of this prevailing attitude that over the years I have learned to love those outside of the church more than those in the church. When will they learn that simply dressing up in their Sunday best will not get them any extra points with God when they lack compassion, forgiveness, love, charity and inner truth? Whenever I read facebook postings from friends who are hurting or lonely or hoping for a better day my own heart goes to where they are. I want so badly to hold them and tell them that "This, too, shall pass". But all I can do is pray for them and hope they remember God when they come through their trial. I end this dialogue in my right mind and absent of anger and frustration. I simply know that it is necessary to always pray. Still loving you all, Dennis